Do you have what it takes to lead people?


Are you ready to progress in your career and move from a lower-level position to a managerial role, responsible for managing other people? Are you a manager considering whether one of your subordinates is ready for a promotion? If you are asking yourself these questions, we have some tips to help you find the answers. As you surely know, there is no simple test we can fill in to get permission to lead others. Focus on the following areas that are the most important in this context according to

1. Good work results

First of all, assess whether you are achieving long-lasting good results in your current job and that you can handle more responsibility. Are you organized enough and have motivation to grow?

2. Good relationships with colleagues

You must be able to communicate with people if you are going to be a manager. Do you have good relationships with colleagues not only within your own team, but also in other departments? If you tend to avoid relationships with others, you should work on this.

3. Successful project management

If you do not have experience with leading projects involving a bigger group of people, you are not ready for a managerial role yet. Try volunteering as a project leader. The more project experience you gain, the better.

4. Ability to solve conflicts

As a candidate for a managerial role, you should be able to analyze complex situations while remaining calm and to get the necessary information before you start judging others. If you respond to conflicts by getting angry, you tend to blame others and do not respect different points of view, you are not ready.

5. Good teacher or coach

Another prerequisite for successful performance in a managerial role is the ability to teach or coach others on a day-to-day basis. You need to know how to listen and be empathetic, appreciate diversity, motivate others, and be healthy and self-confident.

6. Good mentor

Do your colleagues respect you so much that they come to you for advice? Being liked by others is great, but it is not enough. They should respect you enough to be able to accept your decisions, even if they do not like them.

7. Good leader

Do your superiors perceive you as capable leader? One sign is that you are being given interesting and challenging projects or sent for trainings. You probably also have a development plan prepared for you or you are a member of the group of high potentials in your company.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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