Which of these 4 bad habits do you have?

We all have various bad habits. In business settings there are some very common ones.


Lack of focus: We usually intend to do something every single day but then, suddenly, the day is over and we realise we've done next to nothing due to all the distractions. In reality, though, we did have some chunks of time … we just lacked focus.

Too much kindness: Sometimes we take on tasks which don't really give us anything. We simply feel sorry for someone and want to help them out. However, this extra responsibility hurts us and also makes us question our relationship with the given colleague or customer.

Promising and not delivering: Sometimes we promise something to our team, customers or suppliers. If we fail to follow our words with actions, we lose the respect of others and put our credibility at risk. That is never good.

Not using everything we have available: We have a tendency to lament about not having enough resources – be it money or support – when actually we do have them. The only thing we have to do is ask. All too often we fail to utilise our existing network to its fullest.

Identify your bad habit …

… and do something quickly to get rid of it, urges an article on the addicted2success.com website.

Become better focused – then you will be more productive even with the same amount of time.

Learn how to set boundaries – and you will manage to deliver your services or products without any doubts or mixed feelings.

Keep better track of what you have promised – you will feel less stressed and less overwhelmed.

Pick up on more of the opportunities you have previously left on the table – you will have an easier life and feel more energised once you discover how many people are ready and willing to collaborate with you.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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