The key to effective meetings? The first five minutes matter

One of the many responsibilities every manager has is ensuring team meetings are as effective as possible. They ought not to waste anybody's time and should genuinely help improve cooperation within the team. This article will show how to introduce and open meetings so they are genuinely useful. In this context, the initial few minutes are crucial.


Go through the meeting agenda

First of all, as Forbes states, you must go through the meeting agenda step by step. You should ideally send the agenda to participants in advance so they can prepare for the topics. But even in that case, you should still acquaint participants with the agenda again at the start of the meeting so that everybody is on the same page. 

Find out whether anyone wants to add some topic

Now is the time to ask the participants whether they want to add any further topics to the agenda. In your meeting plan, you should block at least a few minutes for any such ad hoc agenda points. Raising this issue at the very outset enables you to incorporate any new topic into the structure of the meeting in a logical way. And you will also ensure there is enough time to cover this point.

Check whether everyone really needs to be at the meeting

After you agree on the agenda, check again that all those present really do need to be there. If you discover certain topics do not concern some people at all (or only very marginally), you may allow the given employees to leave.

Start with something positive

The initial tone determines the atmosphere in which the whole meeting will take place. It is therefore advisable to start with something positive, such as a joke, a humorous point, praise or a piece of good news.



Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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