When to say "no"


If you or your team is not ready to meet the requirements of your boss or customer, say so. Start up companies and managers especially make the mistake of promising everything when they can deliver only a fraction of it.

You tend to choose wrong people

Try to remember how much time you have wasted with a customer who never invests anything or employees who are never good at what they are supposed to do. Be optimistic, but do not kid yourself that everything will always work out.

You have no time

Do not be afraid to say that you are busy with other tasks. Promising something that you know in advance you will not be able to do creates a great deal of stress. Be aware of your limits and your health will benefit too.

It is an unrealistic request

When someone asks you for something as a professional, think like a professional. Do not agree to every request just to be kind. Further more, if you do not know the answer, ask for a bit of time so that you can find out more information.

It would be a step back

Why should you invest in opportunities that will not benefit your advancement? Try to choose opportunities that match your goals.

No profit on the horizon

If someone asks you for something, it should bring something to both of you. That  does not only  mean money, but could also be a new experience, new contacts, and above all,  good feelings.

You know that you can't do it

Optimism is a good character trait, but not when you know that you can't handle something. Stick to a realistic idea about what you can handle and how quickly you can do it.


Article source Inc.com - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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