Are you constantly overloaded?

We are often too busy and constantly on the go all day. If your to-do list is getting longer and longer and you simply don’t know what to do anymore, read on.


You need to write a lot of emails, make important phone calls and engage with your colleagues. But at the same time, you are more and more exhausted. Does this sound familiar? Don’t worry. Follow these tips from

Take some time to reflect

At some points in our life, we are all overloaded. When stress increases, you shouldn’t think about changing your career instantly. Instead, take a deep breath and stop working for an hour. Take a break and do some reflecting. Think about how your workday usually unfolds and examine your to-do list to see whether you can get rid of something.

Consider your workload and what exactly your work is all about. You need to make sure you see clearly where the problem lies. You need to understand what’s going wrong now. Can you plan your tasks better?

Simplify your daily tasks

It all boils down to changing the way you do your job. Perhaps you are piling more and more work on yourself. Now it is time to simplify things basically by just doing less. Reduce the number of tasks you expect to finish every day. You need to pick and choose your projects. Take some things off your plate and delegate more.

Cancel some commitments

Go through your calendar and cancel any commitments that are not so essential. If you have recently been accepting anything that came your way, your calendar may be full of numerous meetings, conferences, etc. Reduce the number of activities you are committed to.

Be bold

If you constantly accept lucrative deals and say yes to influential people, you may soon be overwhelmed again. You must learn to say no to them. Your goal now is to simplify your life, not complicate it again with new commitments.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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