Are your subordinates happy?


When you ask your subordinates whether they are happy about working for you, they usually respond positively. However, this does not mean that they are telling you the whole truth. Even though you have a friendly and understanding approach to your employees does not have to mean that they are completely satisfied. How can you find out? The first reliable indicator of employee happiness is that they are smiling, and smiling with their eyes as well. When talking to your people, look them in the eye. Observe whether they exude genuine joy. More tips on how to recognize truly satisfied employees were published on

Being well-organized

A happy employee is able to organize his work so that he can provide the best performance and have fun at the same time. He is motivated to work for you and wants to build a long-term career at the company.

Early arrivals

Unhappy and unmotivated employees usually come and leave on the dot. Motivated employee do not mind a few extra minutes.

Friendly relationships with colleagues

If someone is happy at work and wants to stay there long-term, he has a natural tendency to make friends with his peers and develop these relationships even outside work.

After hours involvement

A satisfied employee is glad to participate in voluntary work-related activities even though it is outside working hours.

Protection of corporate resources

The effort to use allocated budgets and tools as effectively as possible is another example of employee happiness and interest in the company. Satisfied employees turn off the lights and computers when leaving the room. They do not waste coffee or anything else provided by the employer.


Cleanliness is a prerequisite for health, productivity and the overall satisfaction with one's life. Employees whose workspace is clean are very likely to be happier than those who do not care about their working environment.


A satisfied employee can see a successful future for the company. Try to ask your people at a meeting for their opinions on the current activities of the company. Pay attention to their positive and negative attitudes.

Proposing solutions

If your people come up with their own ideas independently to help the company, they are probably not unhappy for working there. The investment of their own time and mental effort is a strong sign of satisfaction.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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