Make your presentation attractive to different personality types


Let’s use the MBTI distinction between people with sensing and intuitive preferences. It divides people on the basis of how they approach information. It is about how much they appreciate details, process and order, or what can be seen or touched. While sensing people prefer hard facts, people who are intuitive prefer the bigger picture; linkages and analogies. They are interested in change and what could be rather than details like what currently it is in.

Sensing people

The main problem with sensing people is that presentations just aren’t a natural medium for them. According to their opinion presentations are always rather superficial. They would like to have more detailed and profound descriptions, claims an article on the website.

Intuitive people

For intuitive people presentations are a more, natural medium of communication. They are OK with the fact that a presentation cannot encompass all the details about a given topic. Presentations of these people are therefore overly superficial and not so well structured. They link one thing to another, but those links are not always apparent and clear.

Make your presentation successful

Hopefully you already have an idea about what type you are. So now try to think as your opposite. Consider what you could do differently.  You want to find something that works for both sides. If you know somebody who really is the opposite type, ask that person to check your presentation to find out which parts annoy other types.

Use details for backup – that will satisfy the needs of sensing people. There can be a URL on the screen or a hardcopy of the document in your hand. Sensing people will be happy and your intuitive part of audience will not lose its will to live.


Article source Presentation Magazine - free presentation resources
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