Morning rituals of successful leaders

The beginning of a day plays a crucial role in how the whole day will turn out. This is why successful people often adhere to a certain morning routine that seems to play at least a partial role in their success both at work and on a personal level. Feel free to take inspiration from the following list of morning rituals of successful leaders and entrepreneurs.


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Morning coffee, no breakfast (Elon Musk)

The morning ritual of entrepreneur and innovator Elon Musk is the same every day: a quick shower and coffee. No breakfast. Although this goes against the basic principles of healthy eating habits, it is evidently good for Musk, who claims it enables him to start work as soon as possible.

Reading the newspaper (Warren Buffet)

Well-known business magnate, investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet rises at 6:45 a.m. every day and begins his day by reading the newspaper and online articles in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes and USA Today. He thus obtains all the information he needs and keeps himself updated about trends in his field.

Jogging and quick breakfast (Mark Zuckerberg)

While some entrepreneurs brag about how early they rise, Mark Zuckerberg has a different approach and gets up at 8 a.m. There follows a quick jogging session, which wakes him up and gives him energy.

Meditation (Ray Dalio)

American investor Ray Dalio begins his day by meditating. Allegedly his original inspiration for this was the British pop group the Beatles; thus, after waking up, Dalio spends 20 minutes relaxing and meditating.

Breakfast with the children (Jeff Bezos)

Founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos goes to bed early and also wakes up early, specifically at 6:30 a.m. After reading the newspaper, he has breakfast with his children, which he himself usually prepares.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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