What is your excuse for failure?


There is a proverb that says that every man is the architect of his own fortune, and it's very true. Marshall Goldsmith, world-renowned coach and author of management books, has the same opinion. In a recent article on his blog, he pointed out that the way we think has a strong impact on whether our efforts are successful. He described several typical excuses we use to to hide our own laziness or incompetence. Let's take at look at what beliefs stand in our way.

If I change, I will not be authentic

Adapting to new situations does not mean you will stop being yourself. You will still be you. The only thing that's different is that you've learned to behave better.

Changes are too demanding

When we have been working on something for a long time, we get tired and we tend to give up. To succeed, you need strong willpower.

I know what to do

That's great. Knowing is, however, not enough. You have to act. There's a big difference between understanding something and doing it.

I have to be perfect

The need to be perfect in everything leads only to despair. Get rid of that idea and you will be more successful.

It's not fair

In short, life is not always fair. You will not always be rewarded as you think you should be when you do what is asked. Is that really a reason to give up your dreams?

I have to do it on my own

Yes, you make our own happiness and success. This does, however, not mean that you can't count on the people around you. Do not ignore the benefits of a supportive environment and stop isolating yourself.

Nothing can stop me

Self-confidence is great. It is equally important, however, to count on the fact that not everything will go smoothly all the time. Do not expect impossible things from yourself.

I do not have to do anything today

There will always be a day that will come in handy as an excuse not to work on the goals that we have set for ourselves. These days off might be birthdays, anniversaries, major sporting events and other special occasions. If you really want to achieve something, you have to be consistent in your efforts.


Article source Marshall Goldsmith Personal Blog - blog of a world-renowned leadership coach
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