How to increase the productivity of your team in three steps

How to help your team be more productive? How to improve the efficiency of the whole team and have better results? Here are three tips on how to do exactly that.


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Improve internal communication

A common problem with many teams that are not as productive as they could be are flaws in internal communication: it often lacks defined rules, is conducted over multiple channels at once and in many ways is troublesome. Carry out an audit of the communication processes within your team, define the rules, and stick to just one line of communication that all team members can rely on.

Work on delegation of work and cooperation within the team

Effective delegation of work plays a key part in the productivity of the whole team. The same can be said about cooperation among team members. Clearly define the roles, rights and duties of individual team members, make the process of handing over tasks more effective, and improve the way you cooperate on fulfilling these tasks.

Plan in a better and cleverer way

Another point you should focus on is how you as a team plan your work. Are you truly effective in planning tasks of individual team members? Are your plans realistic? Are they maybe too optimistic or, on the contrary, not ambitious enough? Use appropriate tools to plan your activities and work, monitor how busy employees are and learn, as a team, to use better the capacities of all team members.


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