How to improve your team's productivity within a short time

Team productivity and success are always subject to a team working systematically, having a good team spirit and high work ethic, as well as discipline of individual team members. Building a well-organised team that is highly productive cannot be done overnight. This article looks at four steps that will help improve the productivity, organisation and efficiency of your team within a relatively short time frame.


Regular team meetings

Maintain team spirit and integrity through meetings. Initiate regular weekly meetings where individual members of the team will report to one another about the situation regarding the plan. But ensure the meetings are genuinely effective, not just a waste of time, and that every meeting produces clearly defined goals for each team member.

Specific plans and goals

According to the SalesForce company blog, it is first necessary you establish properly defined goals for your team and explain them clearly. Then you need to work systematically. Split the path towards your goal into smaller steps, and then solve tasks one by one as a team.

Handling unpleasant topics and problems

It is a common problem with many teams that management turns a blind eye to unpleasant topics and latent, hidden problems. Problems, slowdowns and deviations from team plans should be detected and solved early. Do not let them expand and develop into larger complications.

Work agenda for each day

Motivate your employees to write a to-do list for each day. Compare the daily plans of individual employees with one another so that everybody knows what other team members are working on.



Article source SalesForce Blog - blog focused on business and sales
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