How to think strategically

Nobody is born as a strategic genius, the skills associated with strong strategic thinking can, however, be learnt and applied beyond everyday duties. What are they?

1. Foresight

  • Search for important information outside the mainstream in your industry.

  • Search beyond your current business.

  • Build an external network to help you easily track distant events.

2. Critical thinking

  • Search for the root causes of problems.

  • Challenge current views and approaches, including you own ones.

  • Unveil hypocrisy, manipulation and bias in organizational decisions.

3. Interpretation

  • Search patterns in multiple data sources.

  • Encourage others to do the same.

  • Challenge the prevailing ideas and test more hypotheses simultaneously.

4. Decision-making

  • Make decisions carefully so that you get to the point.

  • Balance the speed, difficulty and quality of your decisions. Do not try to be absolutely perfect.

  • Take stand even with incomplete information and different views.

5. Linking

  • Understand what drives other people's agenda, including the issues that remain hidden.

  • Question complex issues, even if it is not pleasant.

  • Evaluate the degree of risk tolerance and create necessary support.

6. Learning

  • Encourage and exemplarize learning.

  • If you find that you go out of the right direction, change it quickly.

  • Celebrate successes and failures from which you can learn.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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