How to get those annoying tasks done easily


Do you need to get started on a difficult task? We know all about it. Something simply needs to get done, but we are waiting for the right time, which apparently never comes. Where does the motivational spark come from? How can you get control of your life?

Many people simply can't get started. If you are one of them, or you know somebody who is, here is what you can do. Deploy your values and think of your life goals. Set yourself strict deadlines, since the more real it is, the more likely you are to really do it, claims the website.

1. You can't persuade yourself to do it? Summon up thoughts about your goals

When you don’t have a strong reason why you should finish a task, you will end up postponing it indefinitely. Once – and then over and over again. That is why you need to  look inside yourself for the true reasons why this task needs to be done.
Try considering your personal values and life goals. There is a connection between accomplishing the task and your long-term goals. Find how the task affects you in the overall context of your life.

2. Set a deadline for yourself and back it up with an intense reason

Identify an intense personal reason why you have to meet the deadline you have chosen.

Become committed to that deadline. You need an attitude of “I will get that done by March because… ”. Then suddenly you will realize you must start with some small steps every day.

3. Beat the lack of commitment

Make a commitment to a time and a place. That means where and when you will complete the task. Don’t be vague. Don’t plan to do it today, aim for a specific time. It will become more real in your mind. Use time as a trigger to get you started.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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