How to set your SMART goals most efficiently

All set goals are useless if you can't actually achieve them in practice ...


SMART stands for "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bounded".

In other words, a SMART goal is a goal that is specific, relevant to the progress you are trying to make, not beyond your power; it will enable you to measure progress and is bound by a deadline. If you have more goals, you need to decide on the first and most important SMART goal you are striving for, and be prepared to start moving through your action plan.

Create milestones

Most long-term goals can be divided into milestones, which are the equivalent of short-term "mini-goals", allowing you to define and achieve checkpoints as you progress. Breaking down SMART goals into milestones makes it much easier to self-motivate and track progress.

Creating milestones for your SMART goal therefore means you will always have only short-term goals ahead of you, which you will strive for in the course of working towards the main goal. Dividing the main goal into short-term goals can also make your entire effort suddenly seem easier.

Identify possible pitfalls

The way towards each goal will have its own pitfalls or obstacles. Identifying and preparing for potential hindrances in advance is the best way to prevent them derailing you.

Take the time to imagine or directly visualise what the path to your goal will really look like. Write down any obstacles that are likely to stand in your way. Before you get to these obstacles in a real situation, you will be prepared for them.

Make a schedule

One of the most important characteristics of a SMART target is the fact that they are limited in time. A goal without a deadline is a goal that may never be met. And that is something you want to avoid.

However, meeting the deadline you have set means you will have to create a plan and adhere to it. Once you have divided your goal into milestones, further divide these milestones themselves into a schedule that has a clear direction towards the goal.

Track your progress

Measuring results and tracking your progress will keep you on schedule and motivate you. Therefore, set clear metrics by which you can confirm success or register failure in meeting a milestone.




Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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