How to boost your personal brand after a career change

After a career switch, you have to utilize all means of communication to potential employers and clients. Take advantage of personal websites, social media and industry associations and conferences.



First a career change, then a brand makeover

Although some skills from your previous field are transferrable, you still need to transfer the message how and why these are relevant and useful in the new field or in a new industry.

Make sure that you communicate that you possess qualities and abilities that may not have been very visible in your previous career, but are helpful in your new field. Be specific and provide details to back up what you say.

Prove that you already have experience in the new field

Don’t focus overmuch on what you were doing in the career you just left. That's especially true if your previous job description was very different from your next job.

If you know how to utilize your skills in your new field, you'll also be able to persuade your future employer. Having something to offer is important part of rebranding yourself after a career change, according to an article on the website.

Additional expertise will help

Be aware of current standards in the industry. Take courses and mention them in your online accounts. Interact with people from the industry to create new connections.

Be active: give talks, teach and write

Broadcast yourself on the internet – prepare a short series of videos, because many people can find and view this type of content. Promote yourself and show that you're here and ready to help and work.

Don’t merely attend conferences. It doesn’t matter what skills or experience you have, it can probably always benefit attendees somehow. Make your experiences accessible, share them.
You can also get your brand and your ideas out there via blogging.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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