Remain confident even when you are struggling

Even if we feel inspired by others, we may occasionally feel intimidated by our own lives. Although we try to follow the same morning rituals and daily habits, sometimes the results just don’t come. And the outcome? We begin to doubt ourselves.


So what is the key to keeping going when you seem to be continuously struggling? Successful people have often experienced countless failures. So the first insight is that we need to fail more in order to succeed, according to an article on the website. Our failures don’t mean that we personally are failures as people.

Face failure without feeling hurt

As children we used to play and if we failed at something, we simply tried again. Nothing horrible happened and failure was no shame. Yet as adults we feel the need to avoid failure at all cost.

Break this negative pattern immediately. Don’t take it so seriously. You have the right to fail without feeling guilty. Allow yourself to fail, then just play the game again. We are not defined by our failures: on the contrary, failures are character-forming and help us tackle further challenges in the future.

Realise how far you’ve already come

Remember your past failures: chances are that you will feel a surge of gratitude. In the end, most of our failures will usually work out in our favour and you will definitely have grown as a person.

Live by your values

Stay true to your values and you will stop feeling bad when something or other does not work out. You will feel aligned with every decision you make in your life. Your values will help you define what success means to you.

Live for a purpose: have a mission greater than yourself

A large part of our suffering comes from focusing too much on ourselves. Working on yourself and your goals is important, of course. But having a greater purpose in life shifts your attention also to serving others. Your drive will then be much stronger.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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