How a team leader can build a capacity for healthy self-reflection

Self-reflection is a fundamental prerequisite for personal growth. Only when we are capable of viewing ourselves with a healthy level of critical insight can we truly progress, both as individuals and professionals. A good manager must possess a certain degree of self-reflection in order to learn continuously, educate themselves, and develop. This article offers some practical tips on how team leaders can cultivate an ability for healthy self-reflection.


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Set goals and regularly assess progress

As a first step, it is essential to establish clear goals and develop a plan to achieve them. Regularly set (and, if necessary, revise) short-term, medium-term, and long-term objectives, defining the specific steps required to accomplish them. Continuously assess your progress and consider what adjustments you may need to make to improve your ability to meet these goals successfully.

Be open to both direct and indirect feedback from colleagues, superiors and subordinates

Pay attention to how those around you perceive your performance, personality, communication style and expertise. Be prepared to accept both positive and constructive criticism, be it explicitly stated or implied. Encourage colleagues to provide feedback, but don't take it personally: instead, evaluate it rationally and use it as a tool for improvement.

Develop your emotional intelligence

Healthy self-reflection also involves recognising and understanding your own emotions. Work on your emotional intelligence by becoming more aware of how different situations trigger certain emotional responses in you. Learn to manage your emotions consciously and constructively.

Learn from your mistakes

Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities. When something does not go as planned, resist the urge to become frustrated, angry or blame others. Instead, take a step back and calmly assess what you can do differently next time to avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Adopt a positive approach to change

Don't be too resistant to change; instead, cultivate a healthy and positive mindset towards it. The constant evolution of the world, work and various industries should not be a source of fear but rather an opportunity for growth. Embrace flexibility and seek ways to leverage the fast-paced and dynamic nature of today’s world to your advantage.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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