How not to make a fool of yourself in front your team


There are many hints and tips on how to become great leaders and lead your team well. Fortunately, there is a little lower number of things to avoid in order not to undermine your position and the respect of your team. discussed this issue in its recent article titled "8 ways to undermine yourself as a leader". What specifically should you avoid?

Do not undermine the confidence of your team

Never lie to your subordinates and do not promise anything you cannot accomplish. The team's trust in you is a very fragile bond that you can easily disrupt with such a behavior.

Do not be selfish

The team performance is not only your merit, but the result of every member. Selfish chanting of your own fame only slows down further progress. Do not forget to appreciate your employees properly and do everything possible so that they could help themselves in trouble.

Do not give confused tasks

Confusing changes of activities and a lack of ideas on further action can only make the work of every team member more difficult. Think clearly about your strategic goals and determine the steps needed to achieve them. Does your team understand what to do next days, weeks and months?

Do not be unfriendly

Make it easier for your team to communicate with you. Be open to everyone and everything and do not let them have a bad impression of you. You want them to discuss common tasks and issues with you, don't you?

Do not set unrealistic goals

Having a vision is a necessary condition for achieving the objectives. It must, however, be quite real and not just your delusion. Watch the performance of your team step by step along with metrics to take timely measures.

Do not suppress your team's creativity and enthusiasm

If you want your team to exceed its limits and develop its creativity in performing the tasks, show your own energy and passion for the job. Unless your thinking is flexible and creative, you will suppress the enthusiasm and innovative thinking of your employees.

Do not forget to think one step ahead

Do not do only what is needed now, but think strategically ahead and help your team to decipher the future plan. You don't want to play only checkers instead of chess, do you?

It's not just about what you are saying

Do not think only of yourself and what you are saying to your colleagues and subordinates, but especially of the impression you are leaving. You can even effectively personify your communication towards each individual team member. The feelings you leave will more probably persist longer than any information you share.

And how do you lead your team?


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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