How to sound confident even if you are not


Talking with or to other people is difficult for many of us. We do not believe in ourselves enough, and it is reflected in our speech causing a subsequent lowering of trust with others. However, you do not have to throw in the towel. There are some tricks to sound and look like a confident speaker when communicating with others, even though you are not very confident. The tricks are not complicated, you just have to practice. The following tips were published on

Slow down your speech

When we are nervous, we tend to speak faster. A too rapid pace of speech, however, indicates a lack of authority and confidence. It also leads to more slips of the tongue. Additionally, you lose the chance to think for a moment about what you want to say and your audience can't understand everything you are trying to say. Therefore, try to consciously focus on speaking more slowly. You should also learn to use pauses consciously. By inserting a pause, you can emphasize what you last said.

Speak using a deeper tone of voice

Most successful speakers, for instance in politics, speak using a strong deep voice. That's because people consider speakers with a deeper voice to have more natural authority and believe them more. There is no need to change your voice unnaturally, just try to speak a little deeper. Keep in mind that nervousness not only accelerates the pace of your speech, but also causes you to speak in a higher tone of voice.

Be careful when using asides

If you have time to prepare a presentation or speech to give in front of an audience, asides can be very effective. These are the moments when you interrupt the speech for a moment to draw attention to something more or less connected with your topic. Often they start with: "By the way ...". The purpose of asides is to ease a situation or emphasize the seriousness of a particular topic you cannot concentrate on more at the moment. In private conversations, however, asides can be tricky, for example at a job interview. They should be relevant.

Focus on body language

Whether standing or sitting, hold your body upright. Lift your head and pull your shoulders back. It will help you feel more confident and you will appear more confident. You will feel and look much better than when you slouch. Additionally, you will be able to breathe better. You can certainly find plenty of opportunities to try it in practice. Along with posture, you should also practice gestures, but do not gesticulate too much. Use gestures to highlight important parts of your speech. Never stand with you arms crossed in front of your chest, because it demonstrates closeness and distance.

Improve yourself

Both work and personal life offer many ways to train communication. Use everyday opportunities to practice the above recommendations. You can't improve without trying and hard work.


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