How to survive a lazy colleague


Everyone sometimes works with a colleague who spends most of his work time at lunch, handling private phone calls or surfing the Internet. Sometimes he even falls asleep. Such a lazy person makes you more and more angry. How to put up with such a colleague? The first rule is: Do not spend all days thinking about how your colleague is not able to do his job. Try to ignore it and concentrate on your own work. Since this is easier said than done, read the following recommendations published on

1. Do not deal with what is fair and what is not

When you keep on pointing to the fact that your lazy colleague's behavior is not fair, you will only stress yourself and nothing will change. Devote your energy to yourself and try to be the best in what you do.

2. Refuse to be provoked

If you spend all your time and energy being angry, your work performance will suffer. Moreover, your surroundings will start to perceive you as another unpleasant colleague.

3. Do not complain without arguments

Do not simply tell your boss that your colleague is a slacker. Prepare arguments to gain his attention. You can, for example, ask your boss for advice how you should continue working on a project when your colleague is not able to complete his part.

4. Do not get involved in slacking

Lazy colleagues tend to teach others their habits. However, you do not have to sit with them at lunch for two hours or schmooze with them every time they stop at your desk. Tell them clearly that you do not have time. If you share responsibility to complete a task, remind them what they still have to do.

5. Take the opportunity to become a leader

Show your boss that you are interested in solving difficult situations. Volunteer as a leader who will try to help the colleague to fulfill his objectives. It may turn out that he is not lazy, he may only be unable to organize his time or he may currently be addressing a personal problem.

6. Disagree with common projects

If you really have a chronically lazy colleague, avoid working on projects when you would depend on the lazy colleague's performance. If you have to work together, you will have to count with his laziness when planning the work on the project. You can also use this opportunity to appeal to your boss to give you more resources.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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