How to prevent the flu from attacking your team


Winter is nearing quickly, bringing it with it the danger that colds or flus will spread in your office. Of course you cannot prevent this one hundred percent, but do consider whether the following advice on how to protect your team from getting them is worthwhile for you. The website recommends:

Improve hygiene

Actively promote regular hand washing. Provide all members of your team with their own Kleenexes and a waste basket. Place antibacterial tissues by the entrance to the office and similar heavy traffic places, such as meeting rooms, the reception and kitchen.

Allow working from home

If it’s at all possible, allow your employees to work from home. Make sure they know that if they are not feeling well they should stay home and not endanger their colleagues.

Emphasize open communication

Anyone who is not feeling well should know that they should inform the people around them of their condition. Instead of shaking hands with colleagues and customers, it’s enough to say that you have a cold or flu. Nobody will think that this is impolite.

Support good nutrition

In the winter try offering your team members whole-wheat bread or rolls, and fruits and vegetables for boosting their immune system.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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