What assistance does a new manager need to survive?


Workers who got promoted to the position of manager often don’t act as managers, they still often act like employees. It is important to understand that they are now in charge. Managers don’t just do, they enable others to do. They provide help and resources to others in order to secure the best conditions for their work. When managers still think as employees, they risk experiencing burnout. When a once successful worker does not get any help developing management skills, that would make it easier for them to understand their new role, a problem is on its way, claims the leadership now.com website.

New manager: What now?

Managers need to focus on planning and thinking ahead. The consequences of their actions will now have a greater impact. The same  is the case with their inactions. They also need to reflect on their work more often and become relentless communicators. They need to be seen and heard.

How an organization can assist

As a newly promoted manager you need to let go of almost everything you have been doing before. Your organization should help you change. Here are the key things to consider.

1) Development for to-be managers is needed. Skills in planning, delegation and evaluation are new competencies needed by those who are suddenly working as new managers. They have to be trained and taught or mentored. The possible cost of training is worth it.

2) Organizations should send their managers to schools – there are plenty of executive education programs. Courses in the basics of administrative can also prove useful, be it accounting, database management or ethics and business law.

3) Mentoring programs can be a huge help for new managers. Successful organizations know this. The mentor does not have to be a senior leader. Someone from another department, who is one or two levels above the new manager, is OK. Managers should spend some time together with their peers in order to talk about practical managerial topics about people and various systems.


Article source Leadership Now - web focuses on various aspects of leadership
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