How to beat your Monday blues


Monday is approaching and you feel that you lack enthusiasm and motivation to go to work. Than you are probably suffering from the "Monday blues". This phenomenon has recently been described on An interesting article pointed out to the fact that this is not just a problem of individuals. The stress and negative mood of individuals can easily spread to the whole working groups. How should we, therefore, face the Monday blues?

Start by asking yourself what the problem is. If it is not just a short-term issue, it should not be overlooked. It is a clear signal that you should either fix the situation, or find another job. Write down the specific problems raising your Monday blues on paper. Until you clearly know what the problem is, you cannot solve it. You can also find useful the following tips:

Prepare for Monday in advance

Try to finish the unpleasant and annoying tasks you have accumulated over the week on Friday. Do not procrastinate until Monday. Prepare a schedule of the Monday to get a better overview of what you will do.

Find the things you enjoy at work

Stop considering every week as a long list of unpleasant and difficult tasks. Every Sunday, try to make a list of several things you look forward to doing at work. You will feel much more comfortable. If you cannot find any such things, it is really high time for a change.

Do not work during the weekend

Do not read e-mails and do not answer work-related phone calls. Close your office on Friday afternoon and do not open it until Monday morning.

Go to bed earlier

A lack of sleep will not raise your mood. On Sunday, therefore, go to bed earlier so that you could get up a little earlier. Although it may sound strange, you will have more time for yourself and you can go to work less stressed when you get up half an hour earlier.

Wear something nice

Choose your clothes to boost your self-confidence. The compliments you will hear from your colleagues will not only please you, but also help you find a positive approach to the whole day and week.

Do a good deed

You can also gain energy by doing something nice for someone in your surroundings. Look around and find a person you can help.

Enjoy your work together

On Monday, you should try to do mainly the work you enjoy. During breaks, find a moment to chat with your colleagues about what you experienced during the weekend. You can also bring some home-made food to sweeten your day.

Plan your after-work  activities

Arrange your program so that you could enjoy something pleasant after your work ends. Get together with your friends or have a nice evening at home with your family.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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