How to fight lack of self-confidence


Most people experience moments of serious doubts about their own abilities during their careers. Lack of confidence harms us both personally and professionally and therefore we should work with it. Studies confirm that specific work with self-doubt brings opportunities for personal development and thus a higher self-esteem. So, how to overcome self-doubt?

Remember that you are not alone

Most people experience similar feelings at work. There are lots of stressful situations and you cannot avoid them.

Doubt about your doubts

Calmly think whether your concerns are real or you are overreacting. Try the method of recording your feelings in writing. Search for causes and arguments against your negative reactions.

Search for advice and support

Coaching and positive support from your surroundings has a direct impact on the growth of confidence. Ask for help in your surroundings and if your uncertainty reached extremes, do not hesitate to seek professional help.


Simple rest or changing activities help from negative thoughts by pointing our thinking in another direction. Fight the negative thoughts by trying to see the positive side of things.

Practice self-talk and imagination

Talk with yourself to persuade yourself that you are good and that you will handle the situation ahead of you. Imagine success in specific steps.

Set specific objectives

Clear objectives will give you direction. At the same time, train positive thinking on how to specifically achieve the goals. Count with obstacles that must be overcome.

Confront your fears

Ask yourself what's the worst thins that can happen in the given situation. Instead of investing your energy into your fears, prefer to fight them.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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