Jack Welch on the secrets of success at work


How many people do you know who are really satisfied in their current jobs? Are you one of them? Many people become stuck in their careers and have no prospects for improvement. You don't have to be among them if you find a job you are satisfied with. Jack Welch has some advice.

He was a long-time CEO of General Electric (1981-2001), is an expert on leadership development and founded his own business school, the Jack Welch Management Institute at Strayer University in Virginia. He regularly publishes his reflections on LinkedIn. This time, he focused on how to succeed at work and described six steps that may help you better develop your career and achieve real satisfaction.

1. Find how your passion and skills intersect

Connect what you're exceptionally good at with what you like to do. That is how the path to choosing a profession should begin.

2. Helping your bosses

No matter your position at work, you are always responsible for making your boss look good. You should continuously educate you boss - teach him of her how to better understand your business, customers, competitors and products.

3. Do not work for bad bosses

If there is long term evidence that your boss does not act in your best interests and does not help you grow, find another boss.

4. Set aside some time to think it through

If you are unhappy in your current job, set a specific time frame to decide whether to make a change.

5. Do not be afraid to fail

Everyone fails sometimes. The only real failure is to repeat the same mistakes. Mistakes serve as a learning tool.

6. Work on yourself

It does not matter how old you are. If you keep working on self-development, you can do whatever you've always wanted to do.


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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