Reasons to encourage subordinates to be creative – and how to do it

Creativity is not just the privilege of artists. It is a necessity for every worker and every team wanting to be effective and achieve success. More creativity means a greater sense of innovation, higher motivation and better collaboration within the team. Here are some reasons why you should encourage subordinates to develop their creativity – and some tips on how to do it.


(Very good) reasons to encourage creativity in the team

  • Reason #1: Innovation as fuel for growth. As stated by ManagementToday, creative thinking is the foundation for new ideas and innovative solutions. Fostering creativity in the team opens the door to new ideas and more effective solutions.
  • Reason #2: Increased motivation and engagement. Employees who have the space to come up with their own ideas are more engaged and motivated. Let them explore new avenues and you will see their engagement and satisfaction grow.
  • Reason #3: Improved teamwork. A creative environment encourages openness and collaboration. Thus, a creative team atmosphere helps not only to increase productivity but also to bring the team together.

How to do it?

  • Give subordinates freedom. Micromanagement is a creativity killer. Give employees the space to try new things and allow them occasionally to stray outside the norm.
  • Encourage the sharing of ideas. Create an environment where everyone can share ideas with other colleagues without fear of being rejected out of hand. Even crazy ideas can grow into great innovations.
  • Build a relaxed and transparent atmosphere. Creativity requires insight and comfort. When the team is having fun, great ideas will come. So build a relaxed and transparent atmosphere in your team, and don't always be 100% serious.


Article source Management Today - website of a UK management magazine
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