Credibility is not only about not lying …

Outline your dreams and goals with passion. Talk about what motivates you – about the purpose you believe is important. But when describing your dreams and your life hitherto, never lie. Nor should you talk only about yourself and how fantastic you are, because that is just annoying.


The author of an article on the website describes how he discovered one of his friends was presenting himself in a very weird way. On his website he claimed to be a successful entrepreneur, although in reality the reverse was the case.

He even asked several rich people for considerable amounts of money. And he had yet more requests, such as a parking space at the office – which in the given location almost nobody had. Such a person cannot be taken seriously – at least not in a business context.

How not to lose credibility

1) Above all, don’t tell lies

If you lie, you don’t have any credibility. As you probably know, people don’t even want to know someone who lies. So always tell others exactly how things stand.

Be honest – and you may be surprised how your real purposes and motivations can really be persuasive. When you lie, the consequences will always be very dangerous for your future opportunities.

2) Don’t talk about yourself too much

All of us have met windbags who talk about themselves all the time and never shut up. If you want to strengthen your credibility, remember that not every conversation must be about you.

You might do things just like the famous Larry King: be fascinated by others. Keep asking and listen carefully to the answers. You will thus become a magnet for interesting people.

3) Have your dreams

Certainly you can dream: that is perfectly all right. But be careful: if you tell someone your plans, they shouldn’t have the feeling you are either drunk or crazy. Don’t behave like an eccentric fool: be passionate and persuasive but don’t overdo it.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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