No more procrastination


Do you often postpone your duties and even other people have already noticed it? Then you have to do something about it. The first step is to clarify why and what things you tend to postpone. And it is not enough to think about it, write it on paper. Then take the following six steps.

Determine your outcome

Clarify what specific outcome you want to achieve by changing your time management habits. Be as specific as possible and - again - write it.

If possible, act now

If you can handle the task in less than three minutes, complete it immediately.

Decide what is important

Do not get stressed by delaying things that are currently not vital to you. Concentrate on those that are most important.

Think about what you can do now

Choose one thing you can start with and do it. Every time you look at your watch, take a commitment to work on your task for another ten minutes.

Implement the ten minutes rule

Start growing the habit of devoting at least ten minutes a day to a particular task until it is completed. It should be a time period that will begin and end at the same time every day. Feel free to use an alarm clock.

Find your first domino brick

Imagine the game called domino - if you push the first brick, a chain reaction starts and all other bricks fall gradually. If you want to achieve the same effect when fulfilling your tasks, look for your first brick. Often, it is a simple step. Just start and you will see.


Article source Time Management Tips - Free Time Management Strategies and Techniques
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