Good leaders help, trust and listen

Are you an aspiring team leader? Are you applying for a promotion, or are you already a manager? Do you feel that there is something in you that enables you to lead and motivate others?

Here are five habits that you should embrace if you want to take your leader potential seriously.


1. Helping others

The top habit mentioned by is an unceasing willingness and ability to help others, give advice and act as their mentor (in a positive sense). It should be clear from your behaviour that you are interested in bringing out the best in others.

2. Planning

Good managers plan thoroughly. Moreover, they have scheduled sessions in which they plan strategies and systems for their work in the future.

3. Adaptation

A natural leader knows that every person is an individual, and treats them as such. Through their behaviour, leaders inspire, but also are able to communicate with individual people in a way that suits these people.

4. Trust

Leaders should not do everything on their own, but also give a certain level of autonomy and trust to others. You must know what the expertise of individual people is and then support it.

5. Listening

Leading others is an interactive process. Without the ability to listen to others and a willingness genuinely to think about what others say, you can never become a good leader.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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