Four tips on becoming someone other people like talking to

Effective leadership and project management are mostly about interpersonal communication. The more effectively you are able to communicate with people, and the more people are happy to talk to you, the easier your job will be. You will also be very much able to use the art of communication outside your job. Here are four tips on how to communicate effectively, achieve what you want through communication, and become someone with whom others like to talk.



This is an oft-repeated cliché regarding communication but it is also true: effective communication is primarily about listening. Always get on the same wavelength as the person you are talking to, and listen to what they say without interrupting. Show you understand what they are saying and how they feel, and adjust your communication style to them.

Learn to influence emotions of others through communication

As states, in every communicative event you are involved in, you are trying to convey not only information but also, most importantly, emotions to someone else (or a group of people). You are trying to calm them down, encourage them, make them happier, motivate them to do their best, or make them view you personally in a positive light. You must learn to induce these emotions in others by the way you talk, stand, sit, or move. You do not necessarily need to feel these emotions yourself, but you should know how to induce them in others by your style of communication.

Work on your diction and delivery

People will not enjoy talking to you if you speak in a boring, weary or monotonous way. The spoken word has endless possibilities. Use meaningful pauses, stress on key words, changes in dynamics, and alternating melody.

Be positive

Everybody is subconsciously attracted to individuals who are positive and radiate good humour. You need not always be smiling (sometimes your goal in communication is even to seem angry or agitated), but ultimately a certain positivity should always appear in your speech.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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