What Olympic athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common: lessons in discipline and determination

The Olympic Games in Paris recently ended and the Paralympics are in full swing. We have the opportunity to watch the best of the best push themselves and break world records. And we can learn a lot from their approach as sport and careers have much in common. Let's go through some tips on how entrepreneurs and managers can draw inspiration from top athletes and achieve the greatest possible success.


A long-term plan

As Entrepreneur.com states, top athletes have long-term goals and long-term plans that they stick to in their preparation. Managers and entrepreneurs should also set long-term and exact goals and develop a plan to get there through incremental steps.

Focus on numbers and exact data

Olympic athletes cannot rely solely on feelings and intuition when training and preparing for a peak performance. They must rely on concrete and measurable data and numbers, and adjust their training plan accordingly.


Preparing for the Olympic Games requires commitment and tough discipline. Where do athletes find the motivation to follow a training plan every day? It is simple: they prepare a precise plan, break it down into monthly, weekly and daily goals, and execute those goals day by day. Thus they have a predetermined goal to work on each day and it is easier for them to find the motivation to continue their efforts.

Ability to concentrate and mental resilience

Mental wellbeing and concentration play as important a role in sporting performance as physical preparation and physical skills. Learn to relax, keep calm in stressful situations and develop mental resilience to stress and work pressure.

Team spirit

No athlete will ever achieve peak success on their own. Behind each one is a team of competent people whom the athlete trusts. Likewise a successful manager or entrepreneur cannot do without a good team, team spirit and the ability to communicate effectively within the team.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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