What to do if you lack motivation: five things guaranteed to get you back in the game

Many professional texts on self-development and productivity state (quite rightly) that the keys to success are persistence, hard work, focus on the goal and patience. However, from time to time, no matter how passionate you are about what you are doing, everyone will temporarily lose motivation if, for example, you suffer a partial setback at work or in your personal life. Even though you know such setbacks should never discourage you, you cannot help but lose some energy, drive and motivation. It is in cases like these that it pays to know five things you can do to get back in the game and be motivated again.


These tips were published by Addicted2Success.com.

Get moving

This advice is repeated so often that some people may find it rather irritating. But that does not mean it is not true. Sport, walking, exercise and active rest allow the mind to relax and help the production of endorphins, the happiness hormones. If you are not active physically, you will be in a melancholy mood much longer than you need to be.

Do things that give you positive energy

If your energy and motivation are flagging, it is time to do something that is guaranteed to put you in a positive mood, whether it is meeting friends, watching your favourite TV show, or even engaging in an artistic activity. Take some time for yourself and see how your mood improves.

Divide your long-term plan into smaller, manageable tasks

In the face of heavy and long tasks, it is normal to lose motivation at times. When standing at the base of a high mountain you want to climb, the thought of what a chore it will be probably flashes through your mind too. Try not to focus on the ultimate, far-off goal; instead, break your plan into short, easy tasks. And then focus primarily on these.

Break the routine and make a change

Monotony suffocates people. Often you do not even notice it and yet it still drains your motivation and energy. Try to give yourself some positive motivation by making a change. Maybe rearrange the furniture in your home, start taking a different route to work or learn a new skill. In short, do something that will disrupt your current routine.

Take a break for a while

There is nothing wrong with taking an occasional break. Recovery is important, both in sport and in mental processes. Do not be afraid to take a week or two off and recharge your batteries. You will return all the stronger and maybe during the break come up with ideas you would not have thought of during the normal, everyday hustle and bustle.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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