Feeling stressed and overworked? Four tips on dealing with it

Managers are not immune to stress: on the contrary, managing people involves many stressful and mentally challenging situations. No wonder, then, that managers sometimes feel overworked and under severe stress. Does this happen to you too? Here are four tips on what to do about it.


This text is based on an article at Addicted2Success.com.

Be alone for a while

When everyone is always talking to you, always asking you to do things, and you have to make decisions all the time, it is obvious you may feel stressed. The antidote to this situation is to be on your own for a while. Don't be afraid to go for a walk alone, shut yourself away somewhere, or simply take some time for yourself, without anyone else. You will see that this temporary solitude will help you recharge your batteries.

Delegate more work

If you do not try to delegate work and responsibilities to colleagues and subordinates in the long term, you may easily find that sometimes you just have too many tasks to deal with at once. Thus your goal should be to delegate more work overall and create an efficient system of handing over tasks and responsibilities so your own hands are freer.

Let go of work for a while

Don't be afraid to leave work alone for a while. Go on vacation. Spend time with your family. Pursue your hobbies. A break from work is necessary. Breaks are essential in order for you to work effectively. And this is doubly true for managers.

Physical activity

When was the last time you exercised? Do you go jogging, swimming or do other sports regularly? Body and mind are closely linked, and without physical activity you will be much more prone to feelings of stress and overwork. So create a sustainable routine that includes physical activity.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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