Do you lack healthy self-confidence? Three tips on developing it

One thing is clear: a manager who is short of self-esteem either cannot be a manager at all or will never become a very successful one. Someone who does not believe in themselves can never inspire or motivate others to perform better, not to mention the fact they often do not have enough authority over their subordinates. If you think you lack self-confidence, here are three tips on how to develop it.


Make a list of things you've done well and are proud of

The website suggests one way to stop seeing yourself in a bad light is to sit down and put on paper what you have done well and are proud of. These can be things from the recent past, as well as achievements of a more long-term nature. What are you good at? When did you work hard and achieve something not everyone can do? Seeing your achievements written down on paper will enable you to look at yourself from a slightly better, more positive perspective.

Be clear about your values and priorities and stick to them in everything you do.

A confident person is someone who knows what they want to achieve and follows their goals. If you lack a clear direction where you are heading, you can never appear confident. Be clear about your core values and priorities; even feel free to write these down on paper too. And stick to them in everything you do, including your daily activities.

Learn to communicate confidently. The rest will follow.

The "fake it 'til you make it" principle applies also to building self-confidence. If you learn to exude self-confidence through your body language and the way you act and generally express yourself, even if it is not yet real self-confidence, you will gradually work your way up to actually gaining it.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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