Don't have enough motivation? Trick your mind


Our brain is a complex machine that is able to solve complex problems and come up with innovative solutions. However, it can still be tricked. Just try to think of a task that you desperately need to accomplish, but you just can’t find the motivation. When you think about the goal, you tend to imagine all the unpleasant subtasks and effort in order to get the job done. When you do that, your brain, or mind, simply deletes and hides all the positive aspects of the job. There is even the potential for fun. So let’s be a little optimistic.

Focus on the positives removes procrastination

- Picture the negative images again that have so far stopped you from actually beginning.

- Push this image away from your inner eyes… keep pushing the picture away until it becomes a small dot on the horizon.

- Now replace this image with an image of you enjoying the task. You are enjoying each step toward your goal. You are excited about every little subtask.

Don’t overthink what you need to do

Don’t overthink the steps you need to do to reach your goal, it only stresses you out. When you think about it, keep the steps simple and small. You will feel that they are manageable and rather simple. Don’t anticipate too many problems, advises the website.

Don’t get stuck

When facing a problem, we often get a mental block because our focus ties our creativity. To break the block, you need to re-ask the question from different perspectives. Also try to close your eyes and relax. In this state you may experience a sudden “ah-ha” moment. Day dreaming will give you the solution, often as a metaphor.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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