Chronic stress: how managers can get rid of it

Stress is a chronic disease of the 21st century, one which also triggers numerous other modern illnesses and serious diseases. Stress is counter-productive to both work performance and management skills. People management is one of the professions in which people tend to be more stressed, which is why it is necessary to learn to fight stress effectively. Here are four tips that will help you do exactly that.


First piece of advice: Learn to think in a positive way

According to, stress may serve as a booster and source of inspiration to perform better at work. But it can also cause significant damage to your motivation. Whether its effect is negative or positively depends on your state of mind and how you perceive stress. Learn to keep a positive attitude, using whatever method might work for you, such as reading books, watching films or cooking.

Second piece of advice: Set up priorities and work on fewer things at once

Stress is often caused by trying to work on too many projects at once. It is often better to focus fully on a smaller number of projects than just partially on a large number. Forget about multitasking and set up priorities to which you will primarily devote your energy.

Third piece of advice: Learn to delegate work effectively

If you are simply overwhelmed, the problem might be that roles within your team are not properly allocated. A manager must learn, above all, to delegate work effectively. Reassess the current distribution of tasks and start delegating your work to the people who are supposed to do it. Only then will you have time for strategic planning, relaxation and your own priorities.

Fourth piece of advice: Take breaks

It is surprising how many workers (and especially managers) are not used to taking breaks. Even the best sportspeople need some time to regenerate; if they tried just to exercise all the time, they would not achieve any good results. The same goes for people management: have breaks, use up all your vacation days and learn strictly to separate work and your private life.




Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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