Do you want to stay organised? 3 things to avoid

When you are trying to manage a lot of things at the same time, staying organised can be difficult. In order to keep everything under control, make sure you avoid the following mistakes.


1) Don’t take on more than you can handle

If you take on too much, it can easily happen that you simply will not manage. Of course you need to work at full capacity; there is no suggestion you should take on less. But at the same time, do not make promises you cannot fulfil; otherwise, people will lose confidence in you. Know what you are able to deliver because you will not stay organised if you aren’t able even to finish your own work on time. It is always better to underpromise than the opposite.

2) Stop multitasking

The concept of multitasking leads to the belief that productivity means being able to work on more things at once. But the sad fact is that in trying to achieve that, we actually only work longer on each individual task. If you have several things to do, you should rather focus on finishing them one by one.

What might help is putting time blocks in your calendar. Schedule times when you will work only on completing a particular task. According to an article on the website, this is the best way to stay organised when dealing with a large workload.

3) Don’t rely on your memory

Write things down. It is not only a matter of forgetting; this will also help you formulate thoughts. So have a notepad with you when you go to a meeting. Write down everything of interest because writing fosters your ability to retain knowledge. In the evening, you can transfer these notes to your computer in order to keep everything organised. And, of course, you can review your notes at the same time.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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