Brian Tracy: Improve your leadership skills by improving yourself


What qualities of a good leader are you missing? First, identify any qualities of effective leadership that you may not possess. It might be rather difficult to do, but without doing it, you cannot start working to improve these skills and qualities. The fact that we are born with certain leadership qualities, but not with others, was highlighted by Brian Tracy on his blog. Most great leaders, by recognizing what they are missing have deliberately set out to acquire those skills.

Some motivation: Essential statements

- It doesn’t matter where you came from, the only thing that matters is where you are going. Don’t spend time contemplating your missed opportunities. Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. What is past is past. It is always the future that counts. Just because you haven’t been a leader in the past doesn’t mean you never will be.

- If you want to be an effective leader, work on developing any qualities that you think you need. It can be integrity, patience or delegation. Perfect one then move on and practice another quality or skill you need.

- You can learn anything you want. Leaders know what they want and they become anything they want. Just make the attempt to make it happen.

4 steps to develop leadership skills

In four basic steps, you can improve and become a better leader right now:

1) Focus more on the areas of the greatest value, the most important to achieving results as a leader. Make a promise that you will do more reading or that you will work on improving the leadership qualities you may be missing.

2) Do less of certain things. Deliberately decide to reduce the amount of time you spend on activities that impede your success as a leader.

3) Start to do new things you should be doing. Identify the skills, competencies or knowledge you need in order to become a better leader and start chasing them.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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