Brian Tracy: How to solve any problem


Do you have the feeling that you could think more systematically? Try a method recommended by Brian Tracy. In an article on his website he claims you can solve anything: no obstacle is too difficult. To succeed it is enough to follow the steps below and add a bit of creative thinking.

1. Use positive language

Talk about situations instead of problems. Or call it an opportunity, a challenge ... Just keep it positive because by so doing you allow yourself to be more optimistic. Your confidence will be stronger and identification of suitable creative solutions and ideas will come to you much more easily.

2. Clearly defined situation

What exactly is the actual challenge? What causes all the stress and pressure you are experiencing? Write it down. This will help you clarify what the challenge is. Think critically and approach your problem from different angles. Superficial answers cannot satisfy you. Seek root causes; a mere list of symptoms is not enough.

3. Try to define an ideal solution and select the best option to achieve it

What exactly is to be changed? Define parameters and then choose the best solution. After that, you can brainstorm more possible solutions and compare them. Be prepared for the possibility that the solution might fail, in which case you will have to try a different approach.

4. Measure

Set measures in order to know whether you are making progress. It is important to be able to compare the results of various solutions. Establishing measures will enable you to do precisely that.

5. Accept responsibility

You are responsible for carrying out any decisions you have taken. Set a deadline since a decision without a deadline is nothing more than a meaningless discussion; therefore, some deadlines and short-term sub-deadlines must be set. When you have a schedule, you know whether everything is going well or whether there is a delay.

6. Get going

Develop a sense of urgency: that way, performance will improve. The faster you move towards your goals the better. Time pressure often supports creativity. The important thing is to have a clearly defined objective.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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