Brian Tracy's 3 Laws of Leadership


A good leader brings his vision of a better future, inspires to the highest possible performance and motivates others to achieve their goals. If you want to be an inspirational leader, follow the three basic laws of leadership. Brian Tracy, an American speaker and consultant and one of the world's leading personalities in the field of personal and professional development, described the three laws on his blog. 

"The Law of Superb Execution"

A good leader is committed to achieving the highest performance. He knows that it is an endless journey and so strives for better and better results and serves as a role model for others in doing it. He do not ignore incompetence and poor performance. He knows his key responsibilities and seeks ways to meet them better and better. In addition, he is forward thinking and knows what skills will be needed in the future. He plans how to acquire these skliss accordingly. 

"The Law of Integrity"

You can achieve the highest performance when you live your life in harmony with your highest values and deepest beliefs. A good leader is honest, truthful and acts directly with everybody. He is a role model of reliability and credibility. He treats himself with the same integrity. People know what they can expect from him.

"The Law of Ambition"

A good leader has a strong desire to lead others. He serves as a role model through his vision of a better future which he is committed to fulfill. He has a clear idea of the vision and he can communicate it with enthusiasm and devotion. It is nothing else but the vision what differs real leaders from other "leaders".


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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