Brian Tracy: 3 kinds of education for success


Dedicate yourself to constant learning – and don’t be afraid of new, unexpected insights. Unfortunately, most people choose to ignore something that happens completely unexpectedly. But you can’t be afraid of change. The most successful people usually read for up to three hours each day. You also need to attend every available training session that can bring you new insights. Strive to learn how to achieve better results in your area of responsibility. There are three different kinds of education that you can acquire, according to famous speaker and coach Brian Tracy.

1) Maintenance Learning

This is the learning you do to keep pace with your field. It prevents you from falling behind. Often it means reading books, blogs and newsletters. This information doesn’t add to your knowledge overall; it is only about current trends and the latest developments. It is similar to light physical exercise that keeps you at a particular level of fitness. It doesn't necessarily add to your strength but it does keep you in shape.

2) Growth Learning

This learning gives you knowledge and skills you did not have before; thus it helps you expand your mind. You acquire information without which you are unable to do anything new. You can discover great ideas by listening to podcasts, reading blogs and books.

3) Shock Learning

Shock learning is learning that contradicts a piece of knowledge you already possess. Peter Drucker, in his book Innovation and Entrepreneurship, claims that the primary sources of innovation are precisely unexpected successes and failures - in other words, when something happens that completely contradicts our expectations.


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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