Without discipline, you can never succeed: tips on building self-discipline

No matter what your long-term plans are (related to either your career or personal life), there is one thing you will definitely need to achieve them: self-discipline. But what if you lack this quality? Don't worry, this is a common issue. Few people are born with strong self-discipline but it can be learnt. Here are some tips on building an indomitable sense of discipline.


These tips were published on Brian Tracy's blog.

Define your priorities

In other words: what do you really want? What do you want to achieve? In order to build discipline and solid habits, you need to be clear about what your goals are. Without that, you will always be kind of lost. Write these goals down so you can always come back to them.

Eliminate what might discourage or distract you from your goals

What are the biggest distractions that could discourage you from your plan? Try to identify and then eliminate all the things that will get in the way of you accomplishing your task. Make it harder for yourself to fall into bad habits or allow yourself to be distracted from your priorities.

Make daily plans

Make an action plan for each day, a list of tasks you want to accomplish on that day. Write down the partial steps that will lead to the completion of these tasks and try to stick to this plan as much as possible during the day. That way you will not waste time skipping between tasks, and not have to figure out what it was you wanted to do during that day.

Do not be put off by occasional lapses

Plans are a good thing, but you can't let them tie you down or paralyse you. If you ever deviate from your plan or fall short in your own discipline, don't become so overwhelmed that you abandon the plan altogether. Partial failures or breaches of the planned order simply happen from time to time. You shouldn't be overly puritanical in adherence to your own discipline because in the long run such an attitude is rather counterproductive.


Article source BrianTracy.com - Brian Tracy's official blog
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