Do you like shopping? Achieving your dreams is way better


Both society and traditional politics tell us that the more you buy and consume, the happier you are. However, the author of an article on the website describes how, for example, the good feeling of buying a new pair of modern shoes lasts just a few days. In other words, buying new things brings happiness only for a short time but not in the long run. Here are the main reasons why the author believes shopping is killing personal success.

1. It distracts you from your purpose

Whatever your purpose in life is, shopping is a distraction. Instead, free up some space in your mind for more important matters than buying new things. You surely have other ambitions too.

2. You have less time

Success requires lots of time. Shopping might seem like it doesn’t take a long time but in reality it does. Trying on clothes, returning items that are faulty, finding a parking place in endless rows of cars, eating in shopping centres … Why the mention of food? Because of the time wasted eating junk food with a high sugar content. Then you return home and have no energy left.

3. Money is wasted

The one resource that can buy back some of your time is money. Money allows you to work less and devote more time to your true ambitions and goals. But shopping often just sucks away your money in return for useless items. This happens because shopping centres are designed in such a way as to exploit people's urges and impulses.

4. Too much stuff clogs up your home

Shopping fills up your house with things you don’t need. And useless items in your house will then clutter up your mind and cause psychological stress.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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