Manager – management news

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Poor communication habits that make managers look unprofessional

Effective communication is essential for successful leadership; however, even experienced managers can undermine their own respect and authority by making certain…

Want to relax effectively as a manager? Practise digital minimalism

Digital technologies are an integral part of our lives but their excessive…

The Ivy Lee Method: being more productive using just 15 minutes a day

Productivity is key for managers, yet many of them struggle daily with…

Prevent bullying in your team: how to deal with mobbing

Mobbing, namely collective bullying at the workplace, is a serious problem…

Five books on productivity and time management you should read

Are you interested in productivity, work efficiency and time management? If…

Positive stress: What it is and how it works

Stress is closely linked to managerial positions. The pressure to perform,…

Six typical managerial phrases employees dislike and you should avoid

Managers often use phrases designed to motivate but employees perceive them…

Five tips for introverts who are managers (or aspire to become one)

Introverts can't be high-quality and inspiring leaders? Not at all. Thanks…

Four tips on leading a multigenerational team

A team that is diverse, even in the generational sense of the word, is a…

Be a resilient leader: five things not to do in a crisis

The true qualities of a good and effective leader are fully revealed when…

Staying motivated: seven tips for managers

Motivation is absolutely crucial for career success. If an employee lacks…

Why leaders must be authentic: employees can spot insincerity

Professional articles on management often highlight authenticity as a…

Four simple changes to increase team productivity

Do you want to boost your team’s productivity? Do you sense you and your…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 3342