8 steps to greater self-confidence at work

There are various reasons why we do not feel enough confident in the workplace. We may question our skills and experience or be new in the company and fight the fear of failure. We may also fear our colleagues of losing our job or just be too hard to ourselves. The good news is that we can work on our relations with others, and thus also on our self-confidence and career development. Forbes.com brought some expert advice.

Focus on yourself

Do everything possible to keep the focus on your tasks regardless of the politics, rumors and other unproductive behavior in your office.

Find your strengths

Increase your confidence by realizing what you are good at and search for ways to incorporate it into your daily activities.

Find your weaknesses

Be aware of your imperfections that can reduce your self-confidence and reduce them to a minimum.However, do not  worry about weaknesses too much at the expense of your strenghts.

Believe in yourself

Positive thinking is powerful. Try it for expample before you go to bed.

Keep track of your achievements

Keep track of your daily successes, collect thank you emails and everything that reminds you how you accomplished something.

Ask others for encouragement

Talk to people you respect and ask for feedback. Ask about your strengths and behaviors that they would like to see more often. Others can often see that we do not see on ourselves.

Be a role model in positive attitude

In difficult situations try to behave so as to encourage others around you. You will see that positive attitude is contagious.

Be careful how you react to the actions of your colleagues and superiors

Watch the emotions in the workplace and learn not to take everything personally. Others may behave as they behave as a result of stress or other factors not related to you.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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