7 steps to lucky leadership

Most of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders reached their success with a certain degree of luck. It is, however, not a completely random luck. The luck in business can be developed through "lucky approach" and "lucky network". That is at tleast what Anthony Tjan explains in his blog on the Harvard Business Review website. He researched luck in connection with entrepreneurial and managerial success when writing the book called Heart Smarts, Guts, and Luck.

Attributes associated with the lucky attitude and the lucky network correspond with the attributes associated with leadership development. They are:


People can confuse humility with weakness and leave it when they reach senior positions. Humility will, however, increase their influence.

Intellectual curiosity

Intellectually curious leaders like meeting new people, listening to new ideas and enjoying the new experience. You should keep this kind of curiosity no matter how high you are.


Positive approach has a big influence. Leaders must be able to disagree, find logical errors and predict failures. However, it should not be their first instinct in relation to new ideas.


Vulnerability makes leaders more human. They should not be afraid to ask others for help or take risks and learn from mistakes.


Your dealings with other people should be an expression of the authenticity of interests and  feelings.


Along with power, the number of requests for favors rise. You cannot satisfy everyone, but do not lose the spirit of generosity and do not forget to help others by your advice, praise and material assistance.


Openness of the lucky people means taking intelligence and wisdom from all possible sources to gain a broader view of the world.


Article source Harvard Business Review - flagship magazine of Harvard Business School
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