Five tips on overcoming low self-esteem

It is not necessarily the case that only extroverted people with high self-esteem can be good managers. But it is true that low confidence represents a significant obstacle in a manager's path towards effective leadership. If you seem to have low self-esteem, here are five tips on how to solve this situation.


Focus on your objective strengths states that when evaluating yourself, you should focus on your objective strengths. What are you genuinely good at and what do people around you also praise you for? Further develop these traits and skills.

Accept the fact you are not perfect

Nobody is perfect. Not even you. And if you know about your weaknesses, you should at least be glad you are aware of them. Don't be too harsh on yourself; accept the fact you are less than perfect in certain aspects and, if possible, stop worrying about these.

Work on your emotional intelligence

Focus on your emotions and coping mechanisms. If you suffer from low self-confidence, anxiety or nervousness, be aware of when such feelings arise, what triggers them, and how you could better cope with them.

Focus on others, not on yourself

Take your attention away from yourself and how you come across, and instead focus on the people around you with whom you are communicating. Listen to them properly, try to understand them, and note their behaviour and what their body language tells you.

Do not compare yourself with anybody

Each one of us has different genes, plans, and past history. Comparing yourself with people around you will not help you in any way. Moreover, you can never be sure whether what others present to you shows what they are really like and what their skills are.



Article source Psych Central - the Internet’s largest and oldest website focused on mental health
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