5 steps to entrepreneurial corporate culture


Which entrepreneur would not want to have employees who share his entrepreneurial spirit, understand his vision and perceive the business as enthusiastically as himself. The answer to this desire can be a targeted building of entrepreneurial corporate culture. While it may seem complicated at first glance, it is certainly not impossible. So, how to build an entrepreneurial corporate culture?

Let your people step in with the right foot

Ensure that they do not expect a pile of paper, but a pleasant environment that will show them how great career is ahead of them from the very first day in your company.

Bet on the principle of reciprocity

If you want efforts and loyalty from your people, show them your own efforts and loyalty. They should see that you are not doing just the bare minimum, but you can go beyond your duties.

Be authentic and grateful

Show your people that you appreciate their efforts and how important teamwork is for you. Publicly praise their achievements and celebrate loyalty to the company.

Be honest regarding your company's development

Employees should know the history of the company as well as the obstacles that you had to overcome in order to maintain competitiveness. Your story gives them a sense of ownership.

Prepare for brainstorming sessions

If you want your brainstorming sessions to be effective, you must show that you are prepared. Before you ask for their views and proposals, consider the yours.


Article source OPEN Forum - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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