5 career lessons you don't often hear


When people are at the beginning of their careers, most of them welcome practical advice on how to succeed. The advice most often comes from their families and friends, but lots of advice can also be found on the internet. That is why we are going to focus on essential career recommendations which often remain unspoken. Our inspiration comes from a recent article entitled Career Advice That No One Told You -- And You Might Not Want To Hear published on Forbes.com.

1. You career is exclusively your responsibility

This responsibility is yours it can't be transferred to your superiors or the HR department or even to your school or parents. If you want a successful career, you need to determine your career goals and keep on working hard.

2. Mediocrity is not enough

If you want to get your work noticed by your superiors or other important people, you have to stand out. Actively look for ways to do more for your company than just perform your daily tasks. Become an expert in a particular subject area.

3. You will never find a job you will love in all its aspects

Each activity involves better and worse features. You must learn to look for ways to make the less fun aspects of your work more enjoyable.

4. You will have to keep on proving your value

You have just completed a project within the specified time and budget. Good job! Sadly, you have to continue, your employer must see that you are important to him every day.

5. Arrogance is short-sighted

If you want to be promoted or get new interesting work in your current position, you need to learn to deal with people. Try to be flexible and get along as well as possible with different personality types.

What other important career lessons, not widely discussed, would you add?


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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