4 tips on how to stay healthy and on top of your game

What should you do so as not to get crushed and drained by demanding work? You need to think of your health and relationships. A community of people who are trying to achieve something can also spur you on.


1) Think about what your body needs

When she was in the midst of her burnout phase, the author of an article on the addicted2success.com website used to sit in front of her laptop for 12 hours straight. The workload was heavy and endless. Even if you're passionate about what you do, you need to be careful.

2) Your business model must work for you

Never sacrifice your health or relationships just for money. It's perfectly legitimate to only do work that excites you. If you see that you could make money with a product or service that forces you to take on an unsustainable lifestyle, don’t do it. If something gives you repeated anxiety, maybe it shouldn’t be part of your life.

3) Know your boundaries: Adopt only sustainable habits

When you have the idea of waking up an hour earlier, ask yourself whether you would be able to do it for the next 21 days without any negative consequences. If so, commit to these tiny steps. That is how you can build new habits and still respect your time and energy.

4) Seek a community that embraces and supports the entrepreneurial spirit

This is especially true for entrepreneurs, but also for any busy professional. Your responsibilities can be truly frightening at times. You'll have moments when you question your calling. You'll think about quitting because you just aren't seeing any progress.

In these difficult moments, it can really help to become a member of a community in which other people embrace the fragile dynamics of the entrepreneurial life. A community of like-minded people can help you to overcome your doubts.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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